White Realty Management Co.

Center Court Athletic Club


If you find the idea of exercising in a big, busy health club intimidating, Center Court is the health club for you. Center Court offers an access-controlled, 24-hour gym where we are known for our friendly staff and members. Whether you want a quick game of racquetball at noon or to exercise in the fully equipped cardio room at one a.m., the choice is yours at the Center Court Athletic Club


Why should you join Center Court?

1. We are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year.
2. We offer free-weights, cardiovascular equipment, and a full range of CamStar resistance equipment.
3. We have 3 racquetball courts (equipped for basketball and wallyball).
4. Complete locker room facilities, including free towel service, showers, day lockers and a sauna are provided.
5. Long-term lockers, laundry service and covered parking also available.
6. We require no long term contracts.
7. State registration #20040101


Receive one month free when you bring a friend to join.

Discounts are available for paying 1 year in advance.

Please feel free call us at (940) 723-1679 to arrange a tour or discuss membership.


*There is a required $40 set-up fee to join.
Center Club Athletic Club is owned and operated by White Realty Management Company.